相模健人・長谷川明弘・石丸雅貴・増尾佐緒里 ブリーフセラピーの学びをどのように臨床現場で活かしていくのか
2017,ブリーフサイコセラピー研究,26巻2号, p35-41
- キーワード:ブリーフセラピー,指導者,臨床心理士
How have we been using the wisdom of brief therapy in practice?
Takehito SAGAMI 1), Akihiro HASEGAWA 2), Masaki ISHIMARU 3), Saori MASUO4)
1)Faculty of Education, Ehime University
2)Faculty of Human Sciences, Toyo Eiwa University
3)Aki Clinic
4)Department of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Kobe Hospital
- The purpose of this paper was to clarify how the wisdom of brief therapy was developed by two senior and two junior colleagues. From the senior colleagues’ perspective, they explained how
they had been teaching students wisdom through “team approach” and “lively training or practices.” From the junior colleagues’ perspective, they explained how wisdom was used in practice. First,
one clinical psychotherapist with five years of experience explained a process of modification with “the clients as expert.” Second, another clinical psychotherapist with 10 years of experience
explained how to apply brief therapy to teams. We discussed that senior colleagues had made all kinds of effort as needed, and junior colleagues needed to maintain the following four points in
practice: (1) utilize experience learning brief therapy’s wisdom, (2) not fixate on skills, (3) be creatively involved with clients, and (4)put (1), (2), and (3) into practice.
- Keywords:brief therapy, senior colleague, clinical psychologist
- Japanese Journal of Brief Psychotherapy 2017, Vol. 26, No. 2, 35–41.